Cheam First Nation strives to promote learning and to provide life-skills education, free from economic worries. The Education Department provides education support to Kindergarten to Grade 12, and financial support to post-secondary students. Please contact the Education Manager for the eligibility requirements to receive educational support.
- K-12 Support – Cheam administers funding from INAC for public school students who are on our Nominal Roll. Funding assistance is provided for school supplies for all students, and school fees for students in middle and high school. Students in Grade 8-12 are eligible for a monthly attendance allowance.
- Post-Secondary Funding – Cheam administers funding from INAC for post-secondary studies. Funding assistance covers tuition costs for successful applicants. Due to limited funding, we are currently operating with a waiting list.
Post Secondary Sponsorship Application (must be received by the Cheam Education Department by May 1st ) Please click the application link for further details or to download a copy.
- Community Programs – Cheam hosts several community programs and activities throughout the year.
- Cheam Awards provides recognition to all students who achieve school standard selection of nominations for awards and graduation.
- Cheam Days is a once-a-year gathering with many different activities for Community Members to participate in.
2024-2025 School Year Resources
It’s time for all families of school-aged children to start preparing for the 2024-2025 school year!
Student Information
At this time we need ALL families to complete the Student Information and Waiver Form and return it to the office at your earliest convenience (no later than Friday, August 30).
Waiver forms can be found at the health reception desk at the office.
Student Information and Waiver Form(2024-2025)
School Information:
If your child(ren) will require bussing to and/or from school, you will need to register for that directly with your child(ren)’s school district.
School District 33 (Chilliwack)
To register a student for bussing for the 2024-2025 school year you will need to complete the online bussing registration form. Please be sure to complete all the appropriate fields.
SD 33 busses come directly to the Cheam Reserve and all stops should be within approximately 50m of the student’s residence. Actual pick-up/drop-off times, locations and the bus number will depend on the school each student is attending. These details are all sent to the parent/guardian via email once the registration has been processed.
Cheam students living on reserve are not required to pay the $25 registration fee, however, Cheam students (with status) that do not live on reserve will need to pay the $25 fee upon registration which can be done online here, or in person at the School District 33 office.
School District 78 (Fraser-Cascade)
SD 78 bus routes pick up and drop off at the top of the hill near the highway.
Seabird Island Community School
Current bussing information from Seabird Island Community School isn’t available. Click here to view the most recent information shared on Seabird Island’s Facebook page.
Payment Information
We are excited to issue the first set of school cheques to the on-reserve students of Cheam First Nation!
Please find your school cheque enclosed for the 2024-2025 start of the school year.
This amount includes:
- Kindergarten-Grade 2 – $30.00
- Grade 3- Grade 5 – $40.00
- Grade 6-Grade 8 – $50.00
- Grade 9- Grade 12 – $60.00
Monthly Student Allowance
- Grades 7-9 – $10.00
- Grades 10-11 – $20.00
- Grade 12 – $30.00
Please note that the allowance payments may be different than previous years as we move to a payment schedule as follows:
- Payment #1
- Allowance months: Sept, Oct, Nov
- Payment issued: August
- Payment #2
- Allowance months: Dec, Jan, Feb
- Payment issued: December
- Payment #3
- Allowance months: Mar, Apr, May, Jun
- Payment issued: March
*School allowance will be paid to those students with verified ongoing attendance
Your payment details can be found on the attached cheque requisition.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out directly to our Education Department or Health and Wellness manager.