Day Scholar – Revitalization Society Nominations

Day Scholar – Revitalization Society Nominations

Please find below information from Shishalh Nation regarding Day Scholar Revitalization Society Nominations.

What is this notice for?
This is to advise that you have the opportunity to nominate members and directors of the Day Scholars Revitalization Society. The purposes of the Society are set out in Schedule A to this Notice. The individuals appointed as members will be entitled to review and discuss the financial statements and any reports from the directors on the projects of the Society and to review, revise or reject any amendments to the Bylaws made by the directors. Day Scholars and their children are not eligible to become members. The qualifications required in order to become a director are set out in Schedule B to this Notice.

The individuals appointed as directors will:
• manage or supervise the management of the activities of the Society;
• appoint the Advisory Board to provide financial, professional and other advice to the directors regarding all activities of the directors in the pursuit of the activities of the Society;
• fix the compensation payable to
o members of the Committee created to appoint members and directors, and
o members of the Advisory Board,
• arrange for the prudent investment of the assets of the Society, and
• report to the annual general meeting of members regarding the projects of the Society.

The Committee will fix the compensation payable to the directors.
The nomination form for members and directors of the Society is attached as Schedule C to this Notice.

Nomination forms for Members or Directors can be sent to [email protected] on or before February 28, 2022.

For more information please visit our website at:

Day Scholar Revitalization Society Notice-PDF Version

Nomination Form

What is the Day Scholar Class Action?
The Indian Residential Schools Day Scholars Class Action was brought on behalf of Day Scholars – students who attended Indian Residential Schools (“IRS”) during the day only but did not sleep there overnight, and their Descendants (their children). The lawsuit claimed that IRSs destroyed Class Members’ language and culture, violated their cultural and linguistic rights, and caused psychological harms. The Federal Court has approved a settlement agreement that resolves the Day Scholar Survivor and Descendant Class claims.

The Parties have agreed to settle the claims of the Survivor Class and the Descendant Class (“Survivors”, “Descendants”) in the Gottfriedson v. AGC proceeding. Under the Settlement Agreement, the Parties have agreed that Canada will fund $50 million to establish the Day Scholars Revitalization Society (the “Society”). The Parties agree the intention of the Society will be to support Survivors and Descendants in healing, wellness, education, language, culture, heritage, and commemoration activities and programs.

Day Scholars and their children will be able to apply for funding from the Society.

What is the plan for the Day Scholar Revitalization Society?
The monies will be used by the Society to support activities and programs for the benefit of the Survivors and Descendants as follows:
a. to revitalize and protect the Survivors’ and Descendants’ Indigenous languages;
b. to protect and revitalize the Survivors’ and Descendants’ Indigenous cultures;
c. to pursue healing and wellness for the Survivors and Descendants;
d. to protect the Survivors’ and Descendants’ Indigenous heritage; and,
e. to promote education and commemoration.

The activities and programs will not duplicate those of the Government of Canada. Grants will be made to Survivors and Descendants for activities and programs designed to support healing and address any losses to languages, culture, wellness, and heritage that Survivors suffered while attending Indian Residential Schools as Day Scholars.