Messaging to Community from Fraser Salish FNHC Reps

Messaging to Community from Fraser Salish FNHC Reps

A letter from from Fraser Salish FNHC Reps below (full copy here)

“January 28, 2022
It is unfortunate to hear of increased COVID-19 cases in community. We understand the amount of information available, changing health orders and the illness itself has isolated us and exhausted our wellbeing.
The introduction of the Omicron variant and continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, has changed the situation for us once again. COVID-19 is still active in the region. Contact tracing is no longer effective due to the numbers and rapid spread of the new strain.

Vaccine continues to be an effective tool in our fight against the virus. However, we are seeing more and more that this illness is happening after a gathering.

If an event must be held it is strongly recommended to consider virtual options, that all attendees are fully vaccinated with a booster dose, and to carefully consider attendance of Elders and the most vulnerable community members as they continue to be the most at risk. Fully vaccinated individuals who have received a booster dose can still get sick and spread the virus to others.

Even with reduced attendance it is still important to remain diligent with hand washing, physical distancing, and wearing a mask.

• What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
– Monitor symptoms and call 8-1-1 if you have any concerns
– Let close contacts know that you have tested positive so that they can self-monitor and/or isolate as well.

Why self-isolate when you test positive for COVID-19?
– Whether you have received 1 dose of vaccine, 2 doses, or 2 doses plus a booster, you can carry COVID-19 and pass it on to others who are vulnerable to Omicron: those who are not immunized, Elders, or individuals with other illnesses that put them at risk. You might not have any symptoms or realize you are putting people at risk.

• What does it mean to self-isolate?
– Avoid contact with others (even people in your own home)
– Do not visit with others in person
– Have a friend or family member get groceries, cleaning supplies etc. for you

As we all become more and more exhausted with the pandemic, it is more important than ever that we work together, respect one another and respect local restrictions to keep everyone safe. We do this to protect our Elders and warriors fighting for their wellness. Our Spiritual Beliefs and Practices will survive the pandemic and we must also survive to practice them.

The documents attached to this communication include considerations for safety while hosting and attending ceremonial events. We have also included an infographic that can be shared with community members, at ceremonies, and on social media sites.

For anyone who feels that now is the time to receive their COVID-19 vaccine, here is the direct link for booking: We understand that this is not an easy decision to make – we encourage everyone to take the time they need and move forward at their own pace. The Fraser Salish team is here to support in any way we can. Do not hesitate to call the FNHA system support line at 604-743-0635 for any questions you have.
Thank you all for your time. Keep well and stay safe.”

A  T O O L K I T  P R E P A R E D  B Y  C O M M U N I T Y