COVID-19 Off Reserve Support

COVID-19 Off Reserve Support

Dear Cheam Members

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Team has been working hard on finding ways to support all Band Members in any way that we can. Every step of dealing with the pandemic crisis has been a learning experience and we appreciate the Member’s patience as we try our best. We also appreciate all the support that the community, local businesses, and Leaders have given us.

As we recognize not everyone can access the Food Security Boxes that have been given out bi-weekly, Council would like to offer support where we can. The Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) funding is limited to on-reserve Members and do not account for those that live off reserve.

Council has made the decision to use its own source revenues to give a one-time Support of $300.00 that will be given via Ecard per Household. There are requirements and guidelines to qualify for this Support as we want to be fair. This funding is available to those Members that live 45km outside of Cheam lands that cannot access the Food Security.

Requirements and Guidelines

  1. Live 45km outside of Cheam lands or outside of the Country (beyond Abbotsford and Hope).
  2. If you live outside of the 45km and have already received food security, you do not qualify.
  3. E-Cards are available for either Superstore or Walmart.
  4. Must Email your application to [email protected]
  5. Deadline to apply for Support is June 15, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
  6. One Ecard Per Household (not available for each Band Member).
  7. Registered Band Member.

Please provide the following information via email: full name, list of all names in the household, phone number, address, and preference of Superstore or Walmart Ecard.