Medical Transportation

First Nations Health Authority Updated Medical Transport Details

Medical Transportation is an FNHA-funded program. Along with this funding, Cheam First Nation receives guidelines and policies that we must follow. Over the next little while, we will be ensuring we are following this policy more closely. This means that there will be some changes coming to how Cheam First Nation operates the Medical Transportation program. As we implement these changes we will send notices out to the community. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, you are more than welcome to call 604-794-7927 or email [email protected] our medical transportation staff member Sarah Aleck.

Who is eligible for Medical Transport:

  1. Clients who are Status First Nation are covered by FNHA funding.
  2. Clients who are under the age of 24 months with a parent who is a Status First Nation individual.
  3. Pregnant Persons who are carrying a child who will be Status First Nations.
  4. Clients MUST reside On Cheam First Nation reserve to receive Medical Transport.
  5. A client must be receiving FNHA-funded treatment in order to be eligible for Medical Transport (If your treatment is being funded by third parties such as ICBC or WorkSafe you will need to contact them regarding travel funds)
  6. Clients must have a VALID BC PHN.

What services are eligible for FNHA Medical Transport:

  1. Services that are funded through FNHA.
  2. If a client is taken to hospital via emergency services, they are eligible for Medical Transport to be brought home.
  3. Travel to or from Addiction treatment centers are eligible for Medical Transport.
  4. Travel to a traditional healer may be approved as an exception following certain criteria.
  5. If accommodation is required, it may be covered by Medical Transport.
  6. When possible, clients are required to book accommodation with a “not-for-profit” room (Easter Seals or Ronald McDonald House).
  7. If the client requires an escort the client and escort are to share accommodation.
  8. If a not-for-profit is not available clients are to be booked into a room with a cooking facility available to them.
  9. Escorts are covered by Medical Transport. The client must match certain criteria for an escort to be covered. (see escort Criteria)
  10. Hospital parking may be covered. The client must provide parking receipts that match the appointment time and day.
  11. Clients may receive a meal allowance if the appointment time is greater than 6 hours. (or if the client has a medical need)
  12. Escorts may also be eligible for meal allowance if the client’s appointment is greater than 6 hours.
  13. Taxi vouchers may be provided to leave or return from a transportation terminal.

What services are NOT covered by FNHA Medical Transport:

  1. If there is a service provider within the community, any travel to outside providers is NOT covered (general practitioners and Dental etc.). If the illness/injury cannot wait for the visiting practitioner an exception may be filed with FNHA.  
  2. Prescription pick-up for items that DO NOT need to be fitted is NOT covered by FNHA Medical Transport.
  3. Travel home after an extended stay (three months or longer).
  4. Appointments covered by THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS (ICBC and Works Safe)
  5. Personal vehicle use is NO longer covered. Appointments must be made during CFN office hours.
  6. Any incidentals caused by the client during outside accommodation stay will NOT be covered by FNHA medical transport.
  7. Room service ordered to the client’s room will NOT be covered by FNHA medical transport.
  8. Clients who do not reside on Cheam First Nation will need to contact FNHA for Medical Transport. Cheam First Nation funding agreement does NOT cover off-reserve members.

Escort Criteria/ Eligibility:

  1. If the client is a minor, they are automatically eligible for an escort.
  2. If the client is 65 years of age or older they are automatically eligible for an escort.
  3. If the client is a minor receiving SIGNIFICANT treatment they are eligible for TWO escorts.
  4. If the client is giving birth, they will be eligible for an escort.
  5. If the client is receiving cancer treatment, they will be eligible for an escort.
  6. If the client is transported via emergency services their escort may receive Medical Transport support to travel to the patient.
  7. Escorts must apply for support a minimum of THREE days prior to the client’s appointment date.
  8. If the client was transported by emergency services, the escort then has THREE days from the emergency services transport to apply for Medical Transport support.
  9. If the escort and client need accommodation, the escort and client MUST be able to share private spaces.
  10. Escorts are required to support the client in any areas that medical staff are not able.
  11. Escorts MUST travel to and from appointments with the client to be able to provide the client with support.
  12. Escorts must be legal adults with signing authority.
  13.  Escorts must be capable of caring for themselves as well as the client.
  14. Escorts may be eligible for meal allowance if the client’s appointment is longer than 6 hours.

Accommodation Criteria:

  1. The most efficient, and economical accommodation must always be accessed first.
  2. Easter Seals and Ronald McDonald House are examples of NOT-FOR-PROFIT accommodations that must be accessed when available.
  3. If NOT FOR PROFIT accommodation is not available, clients must use accommodation with a cooking facility.
  4. Confirmation of appointment must be provided PRIOR to accommodation being provided.
  5. Hotel parking/ valet services are not covered by FNHA Medical Transport.
  6. Any stay LONGER than 5 days, requires an exception to be filed with FNHA.
  7. Any stay LONGER than 30 days will be handed over to FNHA directly.
  8. Clients may be eligible to receive support if they are staying in a private home (a friend or family member’s home).
  9. If the client is not satisfied with the accommodations set by the Medical Transport Clerk. They may make separate arrangements. However, they are required to pay the difference in cost between what the MTC has booked.
  10. Any incidentals incurred during the client’s stay will be the responsibility of the client to cover.

Process to Access Medical Transport:

  1. Call the Medical Transport Clerk or Health reception.
  2. You will then be given a “request for medical transport” form
  3. If you call this form will be partially completed on your behalf by health reception, or fully completed if completed by MTC.
  4. Completing the “request for transport” form does not mean you will be scheduled for a drive. The MTC will need to review the request to determine whether it follows FNHA policies.
  5. Along with the “request for transport” form you will need to provide an appointment confirmation from the service provider.
  6. The MTC will contact you regardless if you will be accepted for Medical Travel Support.
  7. When your appointment is complete you will need to ask the service provider for a confirmation of attendance.
  8. If you require accommodation, you will be given a separate form. This form must be completed and returned to the MTC with enough time for accommodation to be booked.
  9. Should you miss or cancel your appointment without just cause Medical Transport is not responsible for any fees the service provider charges.

Download this information here

Cheam Medical Transport Contact Sarah Aleck 778-839-5194 [email protected]