The First Nations Health Authority sent us a letter (posted below) on behalf of Fraser Health, regarding possible Covid-19 exposure at recent events held in the Vancouver Coastal, Interior and Fraser Salish regions. More information is included in the letter.
It is unfortunate to hear of increased COVID-19 cases in community. Contact tracing is underway to notify all who may have been exposed. This reminds us that COVID-19 is still very active in the region and that we must continue to err on the side of caution to keep loved ones and community members safe. Even someone who is fully vaccinated can still get sick, be a carrier and spread the virus to others.
It is important we work together, respect one another and respect local restrictions to keep everyone safe.
An infographic is also posted below, as an overview of what we can do to help minimize the spread and keep each other safe.
For anyone who has not yet received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, here is the direct link for booking: You can also look for drop-in clinics across the region by visiting
If any Cheam Community members are contacted by Fraser Health with instructions to isolate, please call the Cheam Health Department at 604-794-7927 for further support.
COVID-19 Exposure Letter Indigenous Communities
Messaging to community COVID-19